
You and me
Creep out in the dark
No one will see us
No one will hear us

You And Me
We'll hold hands
You'll be in my arms
I'll be in yours

We'll watch the stars
Shining brightly at night
We'll make a wish

I'll Wish that this would never end
Us- together forever
Without a word. I'll silently wish.

What will you wish for?
What will you pray?
Together forever?

After we wish
We'll hold hands again
We'll walk back home.

To the place where we belong
But the place I call hell
And the place you call home

And before I lay my head
I'll make another wish
That you'll be safe from anything

But wishes don't always come true
I saw you with her
Holding hands

Together.You and her were there
Where I can't believe you would go
To her heart

I gave you my heart
So is this what you wished for?
To be out of my hands and into hers

So I'll be here crying
While you are lying
And I am dying

I'm dying inside
This is not what I wished for
This is not what I prayed

You can be with her
I don't care

Who Am I kidding
I Love You

You Were My Wish