
God is a word
A three letter word
Why should I trust all he says?
When he’s done nothing for me?
He’s never protected me
He’s never been there
He’s never dried my tears
Now tell me
Tell me why I should love him
Him in all his being?
When I’ve only received hurt
Deceit Betrayal
From the ‘Holy Father’ who vowed
Vowed to care about me
He’s not here
Yet I’m supposed to love him
Regardless of the hurt
Regardless of the pain
Thy Father that art thy heaven
Where are you?
I’ve cried out in agony
But you still don’t show
God, he has done nothing
Nothing to prove he cares
Nothing to prove he’s there
When I needed a hand to guide me
Guide me from the dark
He ignored my cries
What kind of Father does that?
I know why though,
I’m not worth loving
I’m not worth his time
He doesn’t care
So he joins the ranks of all the men in my life.
The pain and betrayal I can handle
But the propaganda I cannot.