The Colors of Personality

All the colors of the rainbow
Stand at attention
They are lined up neatly as if on roll call
CRAYOLA is their title
Red overflows with confidence
He was always the one in charge, the leader
Orange gleams with persona
He was an expert at debate
And his pet peeve was losing…
Especially to red
Yellow can’t stop laughing
Such a silly girl
Green rolls his eyes at her immaturity
She always laughed at anything and everything
In fact, he can’t remember a time when she wasn’t bright and happy
Blue’s eyes are drooping
He’s sleepy
Long nights staring up at the night sky take their toll
Indigo turns to the side and begins to chat
His mouth moving a thousand miles an hour
Talking about nothing important
Purple concentrates on blocking him out
He can be so annoying at times
Talking just to talk
She would MUCH rather be next to Blue
He was much better looking than Indigo
And she thought her hue could complement his very nicely
All the colors, all the personalities of the rainbow
Make a racket within the cardboard box
As they wait to be purchased
Only $1.00