just us

Just Us

There will always be those
who conquer- the brave, the ruthless.
Then there are people more like
The losers.
No pretty metals for kids who hate
the outdoors.
Were no MVPs.
No purple hearts.
We sit, stare out windows
with pens and pencils
describing lives we wish we could lead.
Thoughts full of distain, scorn.
We cringe at their condescending tones.
Were not stupid.
Nor are we Harvard bound.
No quarterback threats here.
No American Idol.
No cooperate CEO.
No president.
Were your starving artists.
The ones searching for the
light at the end of the tunnel.
The perfect light.
We dont lack emotion.
Nor does it control or condemn us.
It simply guides our hands in
time to the beat.
We are the freaks who speak
out on the sensitive topics.
We were born to disagree,
and live up to those promises.
Were not the cutesy couples,
nor all American children.
Were the protestors on Capitol Hill,
the riots for basic rights.
The non conformers.
We like the concept of peace,
but were not hippies.
Were no anarchists.
Were not anything.
But were nothing together.
Together we make up the newest minority.
The latest laughing stock.
The butt of every joke.
But were not invisible.
Quite the contrary.
Who could forget clothes like these?
Or hair like that?
No one.
We eat at your daily life
until you are forced to listen.
We cant be assimilated into modern society.
Nor do we want to be.
Were our own breed.
We have no label,
no definition.
The closest you can get is to say were outsiders.
Outside the norm.
Outside the box.
Outside the cliques.
Outside any term of basic.
We like life this way.
We dont care if you laugh,
taunt us.
It powers our goals to change
this world we live in,
make it more accepting
of difference.
We encourage evolution, variation.
We are for uniqueness.
Dont try to get in our heads.
You cant.
Nor should you want to.
Youd get lost in thoughts of
could have beens
and should bes.
We will never admit defeat.
Maybe we have something in common after all.
We will not let losing be an option.
We stand for the underdog,
the third parties,
the last picked,
the first round drop out.
We savor passion,
crave greatness,
harvest hopeless dreams.

We're just