
I'm sick of people not doing what they want to do because they want to fit in.

I'm sick of getting forcefully pulled away from my friends every year so that the fucking school can watch me suffer.

I'm tired of watching people be verbally abused as well as myself being abused by it and nobody doing a damn thing about it because they don't want it to happen to them.

I'm tired of people being so damn selfish and complaining when every fucking single thing doesn't go their way.

I'm sick of people acting like fucking clones so that they can be "accepted" and have a "good reputation".

I'm pissed that everybody puts sports before academics.

I'm so fucking sick of having to fake who I am so that I can protect myself. I'm sick of constantly having to watch my back so that they people that hate me don't gang up on me.

And I'm fucking tired of walking into that same damn building every day knowing that I will be controlled by the system and fearing for my life, hoping that I can survive just one more day.