The Main Role

My life is a novel.
Characters come
and characters go.
Conflicts happen
they are resolved.
Plot twists occur
I overcome them.
The turning point has yet to ensue
the future is unpredictable.
I am the main character
my friends the supporting characters.
Foreshadowing when I was a child
everything is not as I imagined.
My summary is elusive
only focusing on main events.
Similes used
metaphors interpreted.
Settings change
days describe.
Time is not an essence
stars jump me ahead.
Heroes come
villains go.
The villains are depraved,
they’re oh so cunning.
Italicized are my thoughts
bolded are my actions.
Underlined are important
striked are what I choose not to do.
Quotation marks indicate my words
exclamation marks, commas, periods, and question marks end them.
The building of my character
takes a period time.
Lost chapters are found,
I was always easy to read.
It was only worth it,
for the great story.
My life is a novel.