Requiem for the Betrayed

My first cry was never heard
It was silenced by all the other screams
The clock is now ticking
Running out of time-You can't turn back now

You fool, how could you?
You thought you were superior to Them
Now I hope you have the key
The Gates of Heaven are starting to close

Now everyone is dying
The lands are covered with their blood
A baby's cry can be heard
Because its mother has disappeared

Go on now and save yourself
And leave us hear to die
You always were a traitor anyway
The disgrace of mankind, astute you were

The Angels bow their heads in shame
Because of all your vengeful ways
But you can't ask for forgivness this time
Because no one will be here

Even if you make it out alive
It will still be a life-less planet

The end is getting closer
As the final flowers now start to bloom
Flowers for my funeral
They will wilt in the shadow of the morgue

Photo albums blow open
Now there's no pretty pictures left at all
The mirrors begin to shatter
Who we once were is now lost in the past

The sky is a hue of blood
As the bodies start to fall one by one
Centipedes are crawling on rotting flesh


Now I write my last diary entry
As the blood stains and teardrops start to dry
"This is what it comes down to."