The Tradgic Life of Doritos

We are chips in this bag of cheesy Doritos.
Life is grand until he shakes the bag.
We all rumble and tumble inside our foil home.
The air is sucked from our little habitat,
only to be replaced by the breath of...Pig Boy.
"Dani! Dani! No! Pig Boy's got you in his sausage finger grasp!"
Poor Dani's screams are muffled in Pig Boys oversized mouth.
The sound of Dani's crisp body being crushed causes my stomach to summersault.
I cant hold it in. I vomit cheese flavor everywhere, including on Don.
"Dude, i am so sorry." I manage to wimper.
He turns, and is covered in his own cheesy vomit.
Before Don could respond, he is in Pig Boy's claw.
Nast Pig Boy eats him, vomit and all.
"Hey fellow chips, my friends!" i scream through the chaos, "I just want to say, your all like family to me!"
The words barley escape my mouth before i feel it. The wrath of Pig Boy, he has got me by the head. My attempt to wriggle is useless; he is just way too strong.
"Hey you kind sir who has me in his hand, please let me down, i am begging you!"
My efforts of negotiation seemed igsignifigant.
The dripping cave that was Pig Boy's mouth was coming ever so near.
"Hey! Let me help you! We can be friends!"
That must have been the wrong thing to say.
Darkness closes around me and then...

The reason its so bad and Cheesy: Made with friends while drunk.
That should explain it.