My Life As I Know It

Here I am,
In the flesh,
Scared watching the scene
Forever will it haunt me.
Acceptation, too much to ask for?
Love, near impossible to experience,
Life, a joke in my eyes,
Independence, so easy to get used to.
Those sentences I utter daily,
The feeling I experience frequently,
Loneliness overcomes me once again,
I can’t get the feeling out of my system.
Who am I?
The silent tear that rolls down your cheek,
Your very breath you take,
The echoing footsteps in the emptiness.
My life so far was set-up,
Here I am making my own decisions,
Taking on the world alone,
Conquering it with every step.
The fighting I cannot stand,
Constant yelling,
Glass shattering into a million pieces,
Resembling my heart.
I am the wind that blows through your hair,
The first raindrop the clouds cry,
The flower blowing in the wind,
I am me in the flesh.
I see a five year old girl,
Watching her parents fight,
Tears streaming down her face,
That was me.
I see a nine year old girl,
Dodging random objects being thrown,
Crying once again,
That was me.
I see a fourteen year old girl,
Watching her father pack and leave,
Her mother sobbing,
That was me.
I see a sixteen year old girl,
Her dad back home drinking,
Trying to escape it but failing miserably,
That is me.
The pain is unbearable,
Impossible to escape,
Trying to be perfect,
Unable to do so.
I try, I really do,
It’s just to hard,
I’m sorry I can’t be perfect,
But it’s just to late.
Tears brim my eyes,
I can’t take it,
The pain I feel,
The lies I live.
My heart is broken,
But how so?
It wasn’t even whole to start with,
God help me.
It’s me against the world,
Fine by me,
Guided by my feet,
Running across the pavement.
Hidden in the shadows,
The stars to light the way,
Taking on tomorrow,
Living life today.
Is this the path I’ve chosen?
Or is it the one I’m destined for?
Running from my problems,
Escaping my fears.
Loneliness settles once again,
The feeling unbearable,
Hard to dodge,
Impossible to escape.
Who am I?
The darkness settling in,
The thunderstorm in the afternoon,
The waves crashing upon the sand.
I am me,
Nothing more nothing less,
I am me,
In the flesh.
My life as I know it is falling apart,
The acting has stopped,
Stay silent,
Here my sobs.
Life is too hard,
But I must go on,
Heartache, incredibly unbearable,
But I must stay strong.
My loving sister,
My true best friend,
I trust you with all my heart,
Please be there till the end.
I’m slowly drifting away,
Isolating myself,
Not caring anymore,
I’ve put up my barriers.
My heart,
Once full,
A piece of hope in it,
Gone for forever.
My eyes are dull,
Not full of life anymore,
My complexion is gone,
Slowly I’m slipping away.
But my loving sister,
Revive me,
Let me live a little,
Show me the wonders.
Unable to trust,
even myself,
Too much pain,
I can’t take it.
A sliver of hope has appeared,
I stare into his eyes,
Getting lost in them,
My knees grow weak.
My heart beating faster,
My breath cutting short,
Destiny or choice?
Dancing in the rain,
Washing away my sorrows,
Taking on the day,
Waiting for tomorrow.