Last Night

Last night I snuck into your house
I came to steal your grandmother's blouse
But when I found it it was torn
But I found her collection of porn
I saw her pet fish; it was dead
I heard her snoring in her bed

I entered the kitchen, bored as hell
Let the dog out of its prison cell
I saw a cute little honeybee
But came it came up and it stung me
My stomach growled; I needed to eat
But all you had was some rotting meat

In the laundry was your mom's lingerie
Why does she have it? She'll never get laid
I saw your kitten; it scratched me
But I ran away, I needed tp pee
No toliet paper could I find
Not even the generic kind

Then i found your momma's purse
I knew she made a lot cause she's a nurse
But it was empty, not even a check
You really need to confiscate her card deck