.I Love Everything About Him.

I love everything about him..
Oh how I love everything about him.

His smile.
Oh his beautiful smile.
(Beautiful smile)

The twinkle in his eye.
Oh the way they sparkle when I look into his eyes.
(Look into his eyes)

The way he laughs
Oh I love the way he laughs.
Makes me smile.
(Makes me smile)

The way he cries tonight..
Knowing I'll wipe his tears away.
(Wipe his tears away)
Letting him know it'll all be alright.

The way he is so sweet
(Oh so sweet)

He is just..
Oh, he is just..

In my eyes this boy..
This boy is so perfect.
Just only if he knew..
(He knew..)
Knew how much I loved him.
How much I cared.
How much I just want to be with him and no one else.
Just how he makes me feel..
Makes me feel inside.
Inside this body beats a heart beating for only him.
But he never knew..
Will he ever?
(Oh, will he ever?)

I sit and wait for that day to come.
The day he can see..
Can see what he means to me..
(Means to me)
Just maybe one day he'll need me..
Like I need him.
(Oh, how I need him..)

Just if he only knew..
Only knew..
Only knew..
