
Did u want me from the beginning?
or did u seamlessly lie again and again?
i know you've been hurt before,
but could you stand to do the same damn thing to me?
clearly ur pain wasnt enough
to prevent it from others
even one you claimed to love
something permanant is broken
when the old techniques dont work
when broken doesnt even begin to cover it
does that mean you've caused enough?
will you ever look at me the same?
all the things i did for u
to make u love me more
but it seems i was working for a hopeless cause
you were cold
i should have gotten the hints with those lyrics
the ones that actually meant something
i'll have to delete 100 songs
all the ones that remind me of you
pack the things in a box
just like i told you not to do
you'll find on your doorstep
and around every corner
the shreds of my heart that you somehow helped me find
lost before, and now again
you selfish asshole
said you'd never hurt me
told me you'd hate god for taking me away
well do u hate urself for sending me?
it was hard before
good between
and impossibly heartwreching from now on
i'll be there
you know how my luck always treats me
you'll see me everyday while your still here
will you ever think of me the way i will for you?
or is it just oh well
she wasnt for me
or was it all to protect me?
or sheilding urself from loving
you were far more than human
almost unreal
far more than i deserve
no amount of poptarts or chocolate
could solve this
a trip we'll never take
will always be in the back of my mind
something i'll never do
i'll marry back into the string of violence
a equal father for my children
as to the one i had
hope ur happy
i really do
i want nothing more for you
but i want u to see my face
and i wish you would still love me
i want you to die a little inside
everytime i come to mind
cry for once
and dont tell ur brother
he hates me enough
too bad the rest of ur family liked me
and i in return
how will the kids feel?
will they miss me more than you ever will?
i hope not
i dont want hate
i want emotion
something more than u can comprehend
something somewhere close to the hours i spend awake
the tears i cry in ur absence
the unconsciousness caused by you
forgive the strong words,
but dont forget me
and dont forget her, she was ur real first love
and i can see why
she's great
and has a cold heart like you.