This is a Girl.

This is a girl.
She is smart, realistic and funny.
But she doesn't have friends and family that love her.
This girl is beautiful, charismatic and carefree.
But she can't have the boy sitting two rows in front of her.
This girl is kind, sweet and loving.
But her eyes, ears, mouth, hands, feet, legs, face and body have been through more torture than you could ever bear.
This girl has a heart of gold and could do you no wrong.
But she has no support of anyone around her.
This girl who is all of that has nothing but a good soul.
But she knows she is wanted somewhere else.
This girl can't bring herself to hate those who have harmed her before.
But more or less she hates herself.
This girl knows she's a good person.
But she takes her place on the table.
This girl says goodbye for the last time.
But no one hears her cries, no one hears her struggles, no one hears her voice.
This girl leaves, knowing her crime.
But it doesn't matter because she was dead to them anyway.