Just to forget you

You said you would be there.
You promised me that.
But now I sit here and think "Why does this always happen to me?"

Another shattered soul to add to the never ending list.
I am that one.
The one who you said you would be there for.
The one who you said would make it far in life.
The one who you said would live happily.

But why isn't everything going according to plan?
Must everything be against me?

You said we would have fun.
Spend time together like family should.
You said you were doing this for me.
But now I see it was all for you.

Can't you see I am dying inside?
Withering away like a forgotten rose.
Blowing away with the wind,.
Never to be heard from again.

Remember this was your choice,
Not mine.
I'm tired of always giving .
Never being seen or heard.
I'm the one thats kept us together this long .
But now I'm tired and weak and can't take it anymore.

So now I will sew up my tattered heart and walk away.
Never looking back to see your face.
Never hearing you say you were sorry.
Cause I know you didn't mean it.
Never leaving it to get this bad again.
Because that is the one thing you taught me.

The one thing you let me see.
The one thing you helped me to understand.
The one piece of knowledge I should never lose.
Just to forget you.