Dear Diary

They're yelling again Diary,
Screaming at the top of their lungs,
Almost as if they want everyone to know.

I'm listening again Diary,
My ear pressed against the door,
Hearing every word they say.

It's about me again Diary,
I don't know,
What I've done wrong,
Or what I did,
To make them so angry.

I'm crying again Diary,
My head buried into my pillow,
Hoping to block out the screaming,
Crying for it all to stop.

I'm screaming again Diary,
Begging them to stop,
But they don't hear me Diary.

I hear the door slam Diary,
My mother sobbing quietly,
My Daddy left Diary.

I want the yelling back Diary,
Because if it was,
Then my Daddy would be home,
And it all wouldn't be my fault.