Questions & Answers

What's wrong with me?
Why am I here?
Will I get hurt again?
Will I always feel alone even though I'm not?
Will I grow up alone?
Or will I grow up and have a family?
Will someone miss me when I'm gone?
Or will I be just a memory?
Just a background person that's not important
Not loved and not cared about
Will I find 'true love'?
Or just continue to give off my 'happy' personality?
I just want to be loved
To be cared about
I don't want to be alone anymore
I want to be found
I want to be truely happy
I don't want this mask anymore
I just wanna take it off and throw it away
I can't stand this anymore
Just take me now, and stop this slow form of suicide
No one will miss me
And no one will care
So just take me now
And stop this suffering