Too many

2 the bottle says
2 is what i'll start with
2 is how the hurt came to be
2 is the parts my heart will be

3 is the number of friends still left here
3 is what we are without her
3 is a scalene triangle

4 is normal for me
4 little white doses
4 years of living in hell
4 boys who'll eventually leave me with more
4 is twice the normal

5 is when i became four eyes
5 is when she joined our lives
5 is halfway there
5 leaves me wondering if twice will do it
5's the day we, and i came to be

6 is where i swear to stop
6 is why has no one noticed?
6 is does no one care?
6 is i'll have to keep going
because no one cares to stop me.