That Girl

Why would it be her?
Of all people, she had to find him.
Is it wrong for me to hate her for this?
No, hate is much too strong for this feeling I hold in.
Jealousy, maybe?
Yes! Jealousy is what seeps through me when I think of him and her.
Ugh!It's never fair to play the game called "love".
Especially when she's very beautiful.
No competition there.
She's too much of something I do not have.
The comfort, the fire, the sensation that fills your body when he touches her isn't the same with me.
I can not play this game with her.
I'll lose.
Of course, I'll lose.
I'm nothing.
It might not be love but it's close enough.
Close enough for one to get hurt.
I'll be the one who limps out with broken written all over them.
I fail.
I lose.
Fuck it!
She wins.