My Mistake.

You ran away, when I needed you the most,
I can’t say I didn’t mean to do it,
But more blood was shed, scars that wont heal,
I know you’ll be disappointed, I know I blew it.

The tears are falling ever so slowly,
The tears you’ll never be able to catch,
I’m sorry I did it, but the love I hold for you,
No one can ever try to match.

I’m trying to get better, I promise you, I am,
But everything just keeps going wrong,
It’s got a hold of me, it wont let me free,
Like a contract with the devil, that will last long.

I want to be happy, I want to laugh again,
Not just smile just for you’re sake,
I’m trying to protect my own heart,
But all it will ever do, Is tear and break.

I’m surprised you accepted damaged goods,
Or maybe you don’t know it can’t be repaired,
I’m glad someone accepted me for who I am,
And truthfully, I’m just really glad you cared.

Now I miss you, I wish you hadn’t gone,
You would have prevented me from making this mistake,
I’ll go back to pretending I’ve always been okay,
I’ll pretend nothing happened, I’ll go back to being fake.