your choice.

The angel of light, is carrying such a weight now, her wings are feeling faint now, with each stroke, she feels another burden, each smooth beat a further step, this reckless angel treads through the darkness of the shattered faces, each a sign of reflected worry, until she realizes the doesn’t have to stress, she sees the boy below, he always wishes to follow where she treads, to catch her if she falls, to be there for always, forever and for more. For life isn’t worth living, without a light in the gloom, the angel always flies above, so close yet so far away, but even if she doesn’t think of him he feels so happy to notice, that even if she saw him just once, a glance, or a look, he would know he had crossed her mind if not only for a second, that for one lonely second he was the only thing in her life, the only thing consuming her time, her body, her soul and her mind. . He loves to see her happy, for she is his angel of light – who can eternally light up his night. So when thing seem far away, when life seems but one step from its end, the inevitable trail coming to a point you can’t comprehend, when your only option seems to be the one that hurts you most, consider the question of who you love and cherish, for if you take that step, down that forsaken trail, you not only make a choice, to leave the things behind, but you journey to the place where that loved one can never follow. You leave them in this world of sorrow, and you take their soul and burn it in the fires of a thousand eyes, as everyone who watches them, glancing with the knowledge of recent demise, the staring eyes, only when he isn’t looking, a quick glance, a small peek, no consideration of his pain do you seek. Only judging eyes remain, oblivious to his shame, that he could do nothing, that he knew nothing that his best friend was on the edge of the void, with not a consideration of the word tomorrow. People heed my sentence, for your words and acts are fickle, if you make that choice, to remain solemn in your rejoice, to leave this world, your last act, your last refrain, then consider the condemnation, that you cast upon your friends, and your family, for in that moment you steal a part of them, that they can never again retrieve, you cast a dark shadow over their past memories, and you always hold them back, life isn’t the same, forever you are ended, but not only you, also everyone around you, everyone that has ever felt you, or touched you, everyone who knows you and loves you, they retreat to a life of bleak and silent reflection, a life of constant regret, and pangs of constant guilt, for the girl who left the world crying, the girl that left us dying, please let this pain end, close the eyes around me, close them to my face, for without you here, i don't want to exist...