"Acts of Love"

I may be tender, I may be fragile.
but you treat me as a doll and i'm not that at all.
you're like a young child.
play once and toss away.
you do this repeatedly, and yet no one notices...
only we hold this secret, a horrible bond.
you touch.
you push.
you pull.
you grab.
you beat.
I hurt.
I bruise.
They see and hear the evidence and continue to ALLOW
you to commit this "act of love."
But it isn't that at all, is it?
Why me? when there we're so many others.
But now i see why me.
The youngest, Unable to fight back,
Unable to understand what was happening.
I now understand what she allowed.
I see clearly what you've done to me.
I can not love.
I can not feel.
I can not touch.
A cripple of the heart.
Unable to feel.
That's what they will call me.
Not knowing what you did.
Not knowing how this happend.
No one ever will.
I'll keep my secret.
They will never know i'm weak.
because i'll never tell,
because i loved my daddy and he knew this as well.