I Haven't Shed A Single Tear

Sometimes you treat me like shit,
And I can’t stand it.
I often wonder,
Is all going into the blender?

Because if it is, I believe I deserve to know,
Am I just another ho?
Am I just that girl,
Who you’ll give a whirl?

You told me no in the beginning,
And so you ended up winning.
But now you talk to me occasionally,
Which isn’t enough for me.

You said you liked me,
I think you lied so blatantly.
I should have known,
When we talked on the phone.

I called you,
With nothing else to do.
I said hi, nervously,
You said you were busy.

So I sit here,
And think about my first tear.
The one who I gave my heart to,
Certainly not you.

And I think maybe he’s my song,
Because he’s never done anything wrong.
He never broke my heart,
He never tore it apart.

Neither did you,
But it feels as if it’s slowly ripping into two.
And that’s all you, my dear,
By the way, I haven’t shed a single tear.

Not for you,
And I certainly don’t choose to.
Don’t think it’s because you’re unworthy,
Because these words are getting blurry…