True Suffering

Warm tears run,
And so do you,
You drop everything,
And escape to your mind,
To your world,
Where your hopes and dreams dwell and thrive,
The words can still cut,
Deep into your skin,
Deep into your heart,
Deep into your soul,
Your mind is untouched,
But the venom of the words invade,
Your haven turns into your hell,
Thoughts dropped,
You again try to escape,
But to no avail,
You are trapped,
Voices call out,
And you have no choice but to answer,
The voices scream and hurt,
The pain swells,
And your body gives,
More tears fall,
And you collapse,
Depression hits,
Like a rock into a class window,
You shatter,
Everything you hold true is false,
Your dreams are fears,
Your hopes are crushed,
You suffer.