First Love and the Torments of a Broken Heart

It hurts
It hurts inside
In a way
I can't describe

My chest is ripping apart
As my heart crushes itself

I see you with her
And I don't hate her
But I hate her
And it's not fair

I gave you myself
My body, my heart
I was too young
I am too young

How could you do this to me?
After all I've done for you
Supported you with
Loved you for
Gone through with you

The past tense is a lie
No matter how much I want to deny
I love you.

She gets your heart when I deserve it
I've done so much for you
Given myself to you.

Why do you get to move on?
Why can't I stop hurting?
Why do you keep doing this to me?

I want to be loved
I want to feel special to someone again
I want my old you back again
I want to love you again

You returned my heart
You returned it broken and smashed
I can't give it to anyone now
This is going to take too long to heal

You never loved me
You can't just fall out of love
You can't.
You're a liar.

I wish I was too.