Parted Ways

My friends have come and gone and new ones come to take their place,
One such friend sticks out among all.
We were young when we met,
We played together almost every day,
I basically lived at her house and her at mine.
She seemed fun,
We frolicked and enjoyed ourselves.
Set out on useless adventures to nowhere,
But somehow it was always fun.
Never did we get tired of each other,
But we did tire,
And spent the night watching movies and eating popcorn.
Then I began to move on,
To get older and no longer connect with her in the same way.
I was slightly younger but a grade ahead,
And about three years more mature.
I still talk to her,
But the good old days are gone.
New friends have come to fill the void.
However I will always remember her,
Always cherish my memories of her,
But it can never be the same.
So I must tell her I will always remember her,
Though I will never have the same relationship with her,
But I love her,
And even though I've moved on,
I always will.