As the Rain Falls.

Down, into the ground

Goes my spirit
As the dawn breaks
On this morning without hope.

The clouds gather
Darkness brings with it the fears of the night.

I'm standing all alone
Screaming without a sound.
As I fall into nothingness.

Faith gone, hope crushed
There is no promise here.
Here in this barren land, the soil made of burnt out dreams and goals.

And there is no one.
No one there to soften my fall.

Tears of white fall like doves on asphault.
Turning the story 'round.

The fears recede.
A light breaks through the clouds.
A single shard of hope pierces the darkening sky.

And the rain falls.
Falls down on me.
Washes away my fear, my pain, my nothing.

Fills my heart with faith.
Takes my hand and leads me out
Picks me up.

And happiness makes its triumph.
Hope returns.
Faith comes home.
My soul is new.

Layer by layer
The rain washes the black away
The sound is music on my skin.
The taste is breath in my lungs.
The feeling is immortality.

And I am happy.