the Bully Poem(this poem sux but its the only good one that i could find...)


I am a silent bystander,
Silent as the night,
Sitting on the sidelines,
Watching a weak boy getting bullied.
I sat there like a silent mouse,
Watching another mouse being lured into a trap.
My friend got up, strong, confident, hand in a tight fist.
Howling, crying, tears down his face.
She struck him to the ground, dirt in his face,
I then felt some sorrow,
That day at that place.
Overflowing with sympathy like a glass full of water,
I turned my face around to resist the ugly scene.
My eyes filled with water and stung like the piercing sting from a bee,
My throat started to swell like a water in a tree.
I knew I looked like an invisible ghost, ignoring the non-dead.
Time flew by.
Ten minutes later I saw my mom’s silver car stroll up the hill.
I grabbed my things and hopped into the car.
I turned to my window,
Watching the boy struggle from the ground,
Scars already covered him,
His face had a frown.

Shay Sharpe