One great day?

Today went great,

English, miss just gives us a text book to read,
Ten seconds of solid work,
A swarm of paper aeroplanes leave my desk,
One even hit her in the eye,

Science, sir let us do an experiment,
I stared at the class fish tank,
A bottle of acid falls into the tank,
No more swimming in the water,

Music, I only broke one of the key boards,
Still I got a detention,
I got sent out but then I ran down the hall,
Miss won’t know ‘til the end of class,

P.E, I’m out of the school gates, I’m free,
I’m writing this now for you,
Whilst I’m skiving P.E and skipping D.T,
Squirrels walk by in front of me,

Forget my last lesson I think to myself,
I pick up a nearby stick,
I strike the squirrels down with a blow, hit, blow,
With blood rushing I feel alive,

I’m not going home no-one gets me back there,
So I throw rocks at the birds,
Theres not many animals left to attack,
Hello sir you are next, relax…