Confessions From Myself to Myself

Confessions From Myself to Myself

It isn't hard to lie, let alone lie to yourself.
It really is easy, as simple as death, and as birth.
As simple as love once was.
It isn't hard to lie, but confessing is another story.
Lying and letting someone die is easy.
Telling their loved ones that it was your fault isn't.
In the end we all lie, fib, slur the truth, but only the best of us confess.
Only the righteous clear the air, and most important, only the holy are cleansed.
But who is to say confessing must be made public?
Aren't some things better left unsaid?
That may be true, but some things need to be said.

It isn't hard to lie, let alone lie to another.
Just a slip of the tongue ,and it's over.
Recanting doesn't always help though.
Damage is damage no matter how little or how much you do.
The pressure of damage causes one to wither,
and die.
There is a remedy though.
Confessions of course, but will it be to late to heal the sick?

It isn't hard to lie, let alone to oneself.
It really is easy, as simple as life and death.
But for now no one means anything to me,
so I will keep my confessions to myself.