A Lonely Storm

A distant clap of thunder scrambles my thoughts
While a single rain drop creates a ripple in the river
It is then followed by thousands of others
The sky is dark
With purple streaks coming into the clouds every so often
I sit at the bank of the small waterway
Counting the seconds between lightning bolts shot from heaven above
I do not care that I’m getting soaked by the rain
Only that no one’s here to share the beauty of the storm with me
The wind whispers in my ear,
Sharing its most inner kept secrets with me
Because I’m the only one to listen
I sigh and watch the trees dance around me
As if they were trying to cheer me up
With some ridiculous romp
As the minutes go by
The sun begins to shine upon the little waves of the river
Creating a nice gleam I can see my reflection in
When the storm finally ends
I go home,
Until another storm
That is where I stay