You Make Me Happy Like Ice Cream and Lollipops

Every day I think of you
And it makes me smile really big inside.

To know you've been with me through everything.
And you'll never leave my side.

Although like normal people always do
I have doubts about you.

Will you be here forever
Or will you end up leaving me too?

But when I think of your voice and face
It takes me away to a better place.

If i'm crying over something he did or said
I know you're there, and happy thoughts fill my head.

If I ever was unfourtunate enough to lose you
The world I have created would fall apart.

You are a big piece in my gigantic puzzle
And if I lost you, everything wouldn't make sense.

Without you i'm no one.
I wouldn't be here without you.

And I thank you everyday
From the bottom of my heart
I hope you always stay.