Meet Me in the Graveyard

Even after all this
when the pain has left me empty
my heart and feelings still exist
and you still would never have me

Believe me when I say I tried-
to get you off my mind
because I know its unhealthy to feel this-
after youve left me behind

Ha! I know i never was-
what you wanted me to be
and I never even touched your heart-
cause Im such an ugly sight to see

That is why Im here right now,
why Im lying at full length
cause I loved you and I lost it
who knew indifference had such strength?

Now Im shopping for my headstone
as the sun goes down at last
walking with the ghost of you-
makes me bleed to death too fast

And still I have to ask and wonder-
if on the day I see my grave
if Im buried alive too early-
would there even be something to save?

And who would be the one to do it?
Since youre frightened by the dark
I laugh at the thought of you even trying
when youre already abandoning my bleeding heart

Would you kiss me in my casket?
Where there is light in my head
Bring life to those who lack it?
Or do you rather like me dead?

And Im laying atop a tombstone
staring at the moon
there is no hope of being saved-
when you die so goddamn soon...

Its kinda sad, I think
as my eyes start to close
and I feel my spirit sink
Its expected I suppose....

So meet me in the graveyard
when you tear apart my soul
crush my dreams, so it must seem-
like youre swallowing me whole

Please read me my new tombstone,
the grim new engraved rhyme
please show me what life feels like
before I leave it all behind...

And watch me as Im buried
still thinking your name
my heart breaks, my world quakes...
Eh, this poem is kinda lame...