
I love you so much,
Every time I get a text
I jump at thought it might be from you,
I grab my phone and see,
Yes it's from you,

It tells me how much you love me,
How that you don't want to lose me,
That I mean everything to you,

It makes me special,
Just to think I have you,
I have you to call my own,
As you have me to call your own,

I reply back,
I love you too baby,
I tell you how much I love you
And that I never ever want to lose you,

I press the send button
And wait for a reply,
I'm all down when I'm not talking to you,
It's just that one text that makes me
Feel like I'm the only one in the world,

Now I want to tell you something special,
If I tell you don't laugh or giggle,
I'm serious about what I'm about to say,
Remember don't laugh or giggle,
ok here it goes,

I love you
You mean absolutely everything to me,
If I lost you I would have to kill myself to be happy again
And even if I did I still wouldn't be as happy as I am with you,
The word I love you can never explain how much I truely love you,
The world will have to put up with our weird and wonderful ways,
As I hope we never ever break apart,

You didn't laugh or giggle right??,
You sure you didn't??,
I mean you not even a snigger of a giggle or laugh,
Ok then good,

I love you my baby Luke and never forget ok