Rip , Cut , Slash

Rip , Cut , Slash
scream in pain and terror
run to the cemetary in a dash

Blood leaking in trails
run , run , run
feels like your getting stabbed by nails

Rip , Cut , Slash
stop and cut some more
then hurry on in a flash

To much blood leaking
the world feels dead to you
nobody's speaking

Rip , Cut , Slash
the pain you feel
is like one big rash

In the cemetary now
just ask yourself one question
I've become so depressed , how?

Rip , Cut , Slash
the last time you"ll cut
till you reach the words Ashley Lee Nash

You've reached your grave
and realize now
death is the only thing you crave

Rip , Cut , Slash
your grave is ready
then you finally fall in a big crash