And there we lied...

And there we lied, each in bed…

Eyes burning with irritation from the lack of sleep,

Fingers slowly tapping at keyboards anticipate that we soon meet

Grins adorning our faces from the pictures we shared

Our minds hoping that judgments shall be fair

And there we lied, each in bed…

Here it was our moment to shine

He really did look so divine;

The picture he sent had not done him justice

Was my heart truly brave enough to trust this?

And soon relationships seize to exist

While our lips make their first passionate kiss

And there we lied, each in bed…

His movements were gentle and gave her no pain

She was a tiger waiting to be tamed

Soft sighs and loud whispers,

Please go now, I need you quicker!

Paces gain while sweat imitates rain

As breathy moans, echo in groans

And there we lied, each in bed…

Bodies sticky from feverish love making

My heart is forever yours for the taking

Kiss my cheek and touch my hair

Your skin is so warm, when it’s bare

And there lied together in bed…

I pretended to sleep as you held me

My mind was preoccupied by your heart melody

He smells of young boyish love

Was this a feeling one could never grow tired of?

He peered at her;

She was just as innocent as could be

Take my heart, love. And keep it, please

And there we slept together in bed…

She grabbed scattered clothes and hurried to dress

Careful not to wake him, he need not fret

It broke her heart to have to break his

But she was a wife and he had 12 kids

Life had changed from there younger years

And she bit her lip hard to hold back tears

The door closed shut, and he sprang up

She was gone, he left a dumped

…Really this all was just too fucked up

And there we lied, each in bed...

The warmth of their partners will never reach the heat they shared

And there hearts were cold, although skin was bare

And there we lied, each in bed…

My thoughts will always be of you

And I know you feel the same as I do

But we have responsibilities now, life is tough

And sometimes love just isn’t enough…

Yours truly, Lolita