Be Not Afraid Of Love.

Diary Title held her emotions.
"Life isn't worth living... Without him."

He doesn't understand the hold that he has,
Upon the ragged strings of her heart.

He ignores her very existence,
He has forgotten the memories that they shared.

He parades around with his new "girlfriend",
To cover up the numbness of his heart.

He's never understood the black hole,
That moulded around his heart.

He figured it was part of growing up,
That this was just the circle of life.

The numbness was created,
A couple of months before.

On a cold September morning,
Around 9:10, english 4.

He was afraid of the commitment,
Afraid of his heart being broken.

Afraid she'd find someone else,
That he'd be alone for the rest of his days.

He spoke two little words,
Two words that can tear out a soul.

"It's over" He whispered and didn't look up.
Afraid of her reaction he walked out the door.

But little did he know...

She is the meaning of his life,
She is the missing piece of his heart.
She is the numbness,
She is the reason he carries on.
She is the one,
She is his soul.

A lesson can be learned,
From this very poem.
That love can be invisible,
Yet, frightfully clear at the same time.
Be not afaid of love.
For love can set anybody free.