Prince Charming and Kim

She walks down the halls,
All alone, lost in her thoughts.
Everything looks the same to her now.
Just over decorated walls.

She thinks about her boyfriend,
As she’s walking to her next class.
When suddenly, a certain guy catches her eye.
Could this be the end?

She calls him on the phone that night,
They talk about everything,
The weather, their classes, and that guy that caught her eye to day at school.
Their conversation ends with a fight..

That was the end of her and him.
Now she avoids the halls she knows she’ll see him in.
She cries herself to sleep at night.
Her name? It’s Kim.

Kim finally talked to him today, that boy she calls “Prince Charming.”
He was sweet and caring, everything her ex-boyfriend wasn’t.
Kim thinks he’s perfect.
What “Prince Charming” thinks of Kim is quite alarming.

Turns out he’s madly in love with Kim.
Even though he just met her.
He can’t seem to get Kim out of his thoughts.
“Prince Charming’s” friends winder what’s wrong with him.

He asked her out Monday morning,
Of course she said yes.
Turns out “Prince Charming’ has been on her mind since she first saw him.
Unlike her ex-boyfriend Kim never thinks he’s boring.

It’s been two years since the day they first met,
And their happy as can be.
“Prince Charming” really did come and sweep this girl off her feet.
Now he and Kim have no reason to fret.

Two more years have gone by,
He and Kim are still together.
They’re married now and couldn’t be happier.
And they both know their love isn’t a lie.

“Prince Charming” saved Kim.
He saved her from a deep depression.
He saved her from a lifetime of searching for her one true love.
He even saved her from herself.