Dear World

Dear World,
If I could give you my eyes,
I show you that the people you've pegged as abominations are nothing of the sort.
You'd see all the beauty, kindness, and love that I see.
Dear World,
If I could give you my ears,
You'd hear the cries, the injustice, and the bigotry
that is an everyday sound.
Dear World,
If I could give you my hands,
You'd feel them pressed together in prayer,
Hoping, pleading to whoever is listening,
That my friends are strong enough to make it
Passed your nasty words,
And that I'll see them at school the next day.
I pray that they wont fall like so many others before them have.
Dear World,
If I could give you the heart in my chest,
You'd feel it beating strong with urgency.
Urgency to prove that the people that go to GSA meetings are worthy of just as much
Respect, love, and kindness
That everyone is entitled to.
Dear World,
If I could give you the blood in my veins,
You'd feel it run hot with anger towards your protests,
And your closed minds.
Dear World,
If I could give you my shoes,
You'd walk in the shoes of an Ally.
You'd stand tall for those who aren't so different,
Like you say,
After all.
Dear World,
The most important thing I have to give you,
Is my soul and my memories.
With those,
You'd see long nights filled with laughter and jokes.
You'd find the hole in my heart where Cupid struck me with his arrow.
He's devious like that,
You'd finally see that love is blind.
That nothing in life is exact
That we don't have the privilege of choosing
Who we are.
That's given to us.
Dear World,
I certainly have a lot to give you.
My only question is
Can you handle what I've got to offer
Are you simply afraid?