Lost and Alone Without You

What the fuck was going through your head?
Please tell me what was going on in there
I can't believe you tried to leave me all alone
You left me feeling so hurt and scared

And I got questions running through my mind
Running so fast the answers I cannot seem to find
But I'll beg god not to take you away
Beg and beg till I got nothing left to say


The more I hear about it
The more I start to feel sick
I really wish you had stopped to think
Instead of living life on the brink

Cause I don't know what I’d do
What in the world I'd do without you
You make me smile all day long
Make me feel like I actually belong

It doesn't matter what they say
If it’s a joke, a stupid trick to play
The words still cut deep
And the wounds don't take long till they start to seep


The more I hear about it
The more I start to feel sick
I really wish you had stopped to think
Instead of living life on the brink

And I know what it feels like
To feel you're losing the fight
Going on inside your head
The one in which you wish you were dead

So you gotta stay strong
Gotta prove to them their wrong
Don't give them the advantage they want
Especially the things they made so blunt


The more I hear about it
The more I start to feel sick
I really wish you had stopped to think
Instead of living life on the brink