
Flying outta there faster
Then they can realise what’s going on
Quicker then they can stop their laughter
Before anyone even knows what’s wrong

And I think I’m safe
Think I’m alone
But before I know it that ain’t the case
And you’re whispering in the lowest tones

You engulf me in a bear hug
And promise things’ll be okay
Then you ask what’s wrong
Only for me to reply with a half hearted shrug
That it doesn’t matter, but apparently I don’t get a say
And it doesn’t take you very long
Before the truth starts pouring out

Then you pull me closer
And the whole world just stops spinning
Speaking in tones even lower
That just leave my ears ringing

And as the tears pour down my cheeks
I bury my face away
You don’t realise, but I’m listening closely to every word you speak
As you send them away before its too late

Then the whole story comes pouring out
And your hands start exploring in the most comforting way
For a change I don’t squeal and shout
Cause I can’t find a single thing to say
So I’ll let you continue what you’re doing
While every objection just floats away
And before I know it you’ve got all my attention and I can’t help but feel safe

Then before I know what’s happening
You’re pulling away from me
And as my body starts reacting
I wish it were possible for you to see

How bad I need you right now
Just how much I don’t want you to leave
And as you reach out your hand I can’t help but wonder how
It’s so hard for you to see

Then to my surprise you won’t let go
Instead you pull me close once again
And wrap your arms around me just so
Yet as good as this feels I can’t help but wonder how and when

How the hell did things get this confusing
And when are you gunna realise that this ain’t what you want
I know its gunna hurt real bad but I can’t stop you tonight
So I’ll let you continue what you’re doing
And as I wrap my arms around your waist I can feel the lump
Rising in my throat as your heart loses the fight
And starts beating so fast it’s almost unbelievable

Trying as hard as I can and it still ain’t enough
I’m trying to pull away to let you go
But you’ve caught my bluff
Cause honestly I like things the way they are and wish they’d stay just so

But times still ticking by
And we’ve got places to be
So with one last glance into your eyes
I’ll bid you goodnight and pray to god this won’t be the last time