She Just Kept Walking Like He Wasn't Even Real

Walking down
the empty streets
shes sees him
standing there.

She felt a tug
at her heart
but she ignored it
and kept walking.

There is nothing
there for her
nothing at all
just pain and sorrow.

So she leaves it all behind
letting him stand there alone
on the street as if he wasn't
even real.

Was he real?

He seemed so real
when she would
talk to him
walk with him
laugh with him.


He was a figment of her
something that her mind
put there to make
her feel different

So she pushes him
out of her mind.
She walks around
with a smile on her face
but a frown on her heart.

She walks away
and lets the world burn
to ashes behind her
with her hands in her
pocket and a smile on
her face.