Dear Mom...

Dear Mom,
Today was my first day of kindergarten,
It was a lot of fun,
Too bad you weren't there...

Dear Mom,
Today was my first day of grade three,
I made a lot of new friends,
Too bad you weren't there...

Dear Mom,
Today I tried my first cigarette,
It was addicting,
Too bad you weren't there...

Dear Mom,
Today was my first time to sleep with a boy,
It was intoxicating,
Too bad you weren't there...
The devil was though.

Dear Mom,
Today I tried the love drug,
It was amazing,
Too bad you weren't there...

Dear Mom,
Today was my first time to sleep with a girl,
It was intimate,
Too bad you weren't there...
Satan was though.

Dear Mom,
Today I found out I am pregnant,
It was intimidating,
Too bad you weren't there...

Dear Mom,
Today I dropped out of school,
It was depressing,
Too bad you weren't there...

Dear Mom,
Today I died,
It was tragic,
Too bad you weren't there...

Dear Mom,
Today was my furneral,
It was horrible,
Too bad you were there.