Nature at the end of September

The trees all sway in the dry air, as the sun throws x-rays and UV radiation straight at us. Sitting here, writing this, I look to my right and see a small red leaf resting beside me, could this be a buckeye, considering my grades on those tree tests, my first inkling is probably not the right one. The air is dry, and the trees are just beginning their slow change to many colors. This will happen as the leaf finally stops making chlorophyll, and the pigments of the carotene, and other chemicals finally get the opportunity to show through. As our own warm star sets over the western hills, I begin to feel the first tang of Jack frost in the air, and a shiver runs through my spine. Perhaps now is the time to end this little story, and head back inside, after all this is only the beginning.

--Please note, I wrote this for a science class... so it is kind of wordy... Ya, just don't make fun of it, he likes goofy things like this, its 10% of my 6 weeks grade...