The Carnival Cabaret...

The cool autumn wind breaks the rickety gate
To the abandoned carnival once owned by state
The cobblestone walkway was now old and worn
The past flamboyant carnival tent is now frayed and torn
The shody ferris wheel cast a shadow for miles
While the sun reminisces all the laughter and smiles
No lights or sparkles lit the darkness so near
The lifeless haunted house ceasesd to cause any fear
What used to be known as the mecca for magic
Was transformed into something more depressing than tragic
But underneath the shadows lurks a beacon of hope
Where the lost and discarded gather to cope
Below the moonlight on a lonely makeshift stage
The candles shone dimly with the color of sage
Upon the platform was a girl underneath all the stars
Strumming her heart out for the others on her guitar
A boy nervously reads his poetry for a love long lost
Filled the night air with meaning without any cost
The small crowd of orphans laid down in the dark
Their minds raced with dreams they would all soon embark
With a world full war and a heart full of peace
They were awakened by sounds of nearby police
The familar sound of sirens caused no disarray
Then the Carnival Cabaret forever slipped away