why you

why am i hear all covered in blood
screaming for your death
you the one everyone loved
but i know that by no one i am heard
because they made it so
they used that horrible gun
i can't be heard
there waiting for me
they want me to run
but i won't run
not while your still hear
you yelled at me to get out of here
out of this place
but still i couldn't leave you
you the one i held dear
i promised you i wouldn't leave
i'll keep my promise
i'll stay right hear
i lay down next to your body
all mangled and torn
your face in an expression of fear
you shouldn't have died
not hear not now
you should have lived on
but they won' wait any longer
there getting bored
they're going to kill me now
of that i am sure
so goodbye my dear friend
i'll never see you again
you were the best and in peace i hope you rest