
I'm sorry.
That's all I need to say.

I want you to be proud.
To love me just today.

I know you see the outside
But don't you realize?

What you cant see
Is what's behind these eyes.

I want to be pretty
For you more than life.

Its when you push me down
And part my hair the wrong way

When I feel the dark build up inside.
The pain that falls on my shoulders

I feel worthless
As if I'm not the beauty you say

That this body just isn't enough
This mind hasn't accomplished all it can.

These clothes aren't proper
This hair isn't spic and spam.

But when I'm by myself
And praying and in bed

God tells me that you love me
And I hear inside my head:

"I love you, dear.
You are worth every single A and B and C
And that body is brilliant
And that mind is more than free
And everybody loves you
But no-one more than me."

And when I go to sleep at night
And wander through my dreams

I know that I am loved
For me, and only me.