The Road to June

I walked down the long road with your hand in mine

"Did I just feel a raindrop?"
You said it was nothing, that we'd make it home just fine

I took you for your word as we continued on our way
I couldn't help but notice upon your face a slight look of dismay

"Home is that way, we'll be there soon."
I saw you give a slight nod as clouds moved in front of the moon

Our hand hold cahnged as our journey got longer
Yours seemed to fade, as mine got stronger

"I just felt some more raindrops."
You said maybe we should wait it out and stop

"I know you don't like getting wet, I hate it as much as you."
"Please stay by my side, I don't ever want to let go of you."

"If we stop we may never make it home."
You said you didn't know if that was where you actually wanted to go

As more raindrops fell, fear shot into my soul
I had never felt a fear like that nor any greater sorrow

"If we don't make it home, my heart will break apart."
"Please keep your hand tightly in mine, and don't ever let it part."