You Are My Survival

You are the pigment in my skin;
the atoms in my brain.
You are the vivid image in my thoughts;
the blood in my veins.

You keep me awake at night
and you are what puts me to sleep.
You are the words I spew
and the secrets that I keep.

You are the sound when I laugh;
the flutter of my lashes.
You are the fire in my heart
and you are the ashes.

You're the reason for my existence
and you are all I have to my name.
You are the player and the played.
You are the reason I play the game.

You're the silence of the night;
the whisper of my voice.
You are the end result;
The question and the choice.

You're the light in the sky;
The hope I find above
but, most of all,
You are the angel that I love.