Suicide Mascarade

Welcome to the suicide mascarade
Where the halls all reek of death
The punch is tainted with cyanide
Just so you know, my guest

We laugh and we dance merrily
The chatter fills our ears
Although we hurt so much inside
It can easily bring us to tears

The mood slowly darkens
Yet we still dance to our songs
And at midnight we'll commit suicide
Just like we've wanted to all along

We're insane and full of lies
But I'll tell you this one truth
You must run far away when comes midnight
Before we steal away your youth

Run fast and as far as you can
Try to never look back
You might have to swallow your pride
And disappear into the night so black

Hopefully, none should notice
And our plans remain unchanged
While we pass on to the next life
You'll live and remain the same

Dancing, laughter, love and chatter
Shall conceal our pain hereon after
Until come the strokes of midnight
And everyone here within your sight
Will all fall down to the ground from their feet
And will finally be able to rest in peace

But heaven help us if we fail
And let our hopes to die prevail