Lesson's You've Taught Me

I learned to talk;
Speak strong and loud
I would talk for hours
And you'd gleam so proud.

I learned to run
And you played with me.
So great were the days
That once used to be.

I learned to play
With other kids.
And you became so happy
Once I did.

Years had passed and now I've seen
Things are much different than they had been.

I learned to argue
And learned to fight.
So you argued with me
Almost every night.

I learned to lash out
For you to see me.
I learned how to be
What you didn't want to see.

For you only see
What you dont want to.
Otherwise I
Would be invisible to you.

I learned to never cry
To leave it all inside.
I learned to hold it in
Until I learned I'd died.

I'd learned to come back to life
Whenever I had to.
I learned to act in public
How you trained me not to.

I learned that others can see me
And that they see me much more.
I learned to close my heart
Once you closed the door.

I learned that when you grow up
Everything will change.
I know that I miss who I was
And I'll never be normal again
And it's all your fault
But I've learned you no longer care.